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Tribute to Kurt Gödel 2020

Monday 13 January 2020

8:30 registration
10:00 opening; Prof Jiří Zlatuška (Dean of Faculty of Informatics, MU)
10:30 Jiří Rosický "From first-order logic to accessible categories"
11:30 lunch break
13:30 Pavel Pudlák "On the Second Incompleteness Theorem"
14:30 coffee break
14:45 Albert Visser "Reflections on the Second Incompleteness Theorem"
15:45 coffee break
contributed talks
16:15 Bohdan Hejna "Common Gnoseological Meaning of Gödel and Caratheodory Theorems"
Ashot Baghdasaryan and Hovhannes Bolibekyan "On Neural Network Based Automated Theorem Prover For Minimal Logic"
17:15 coffee break
17:30 Peter Vojtáš "From Vopěnka's Phenomenology to a Modeling Framework"
18:00 Peter Zamarovský "Alternative Mathematics, or Petr Vopěnka's Wandering to Alternativity and Back"

Tuesday 14 January 2020

9:00 morning coffee
9:30 Matthias Baaz "Gödel logics - enduring consequences of a short paper"
10:30 coffee break
10:45 Curtis Franks "Gödel in 2020: hindsight, foresight, and logical blindness"
11:45 coffee break
contributed talks
12:00 Elio La Rosa "Informal Provability and its Logics"
12:30 Piotr Błaszczyk "Modern Alternatives to Cantor's Theory of Infinity"
13:00 lunch break

Petr Vopěnka's block

15:00 opening, Prof Pavol Zlatoš
15:15 Lev Bukovský "From topology to set theory"
15:45 Alena Vencovská "Alternative set theory and new infinitary mathematics"
16:15 coffee break
16:30 chamber music by Trio Komorní dechové harmonie Brno
16:45 Kateřina Trlifajová "An encounter with Petr Vopěnka"
17:15 Prof Jan Novotný on Prof Petr Vopěnka and Kurt Gödel Prize for him;
presenting the prize to Vopěnka's son Martin Vopěnka by Prof Jan Novotný and Prof Pavol Zlatoš
18:00 ceremonial dinner (at Brno Observatory; end - 20:00)

Wednesday 15 January 2020

contributed talks
9:00 Fedor Pakhomov "Speedups for Elementary Geometry and Presburger Arithmetic"
9:30 Miloš Dokulil "Gödel's Religious Worldview and the Path to its Immanent Personal Interpretation"
10:00 Joachim Hertel "New Numerical Evidence for Gödelian Hypercomputing Minds"
10:30 trip (bus/walk) on Brno's Gödelian places of interest; organised by Prof Jan Pavlík
12:00 ceremonial lunch & end of the conference

Místo konání: 
Brno Observatory and Planetarium
Datum konání: 
13. Leden 2020 - 8:30 - 15. Leden 2020 - 13:00
Složka JČMF: 
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